1 Tim 6:7 “for we brought nothing
into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.”
How great a truth is this, that we are
born with no earthly possessions and we die with the same? Solomon
tells us in Ecclesiastes 5:15 “As he came from his mother's womb he
shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil
that he may carry away in his hand.” And this is coming from one
who is, perhaps, the richest man to have ever lived. I can think of
few statements that are more freeing than this. How ridiculous does
this make the world seem, when we are constantly bombarded with
advertisements to buy random things we don't need, Hollywood
endorsements of a useless way of life, and then the internet making
it easier than ever for us to brag about what we bought. God will
provide, even after He has provided His Lamb to free us from this
world, He still provides everything we need in the world. Job says
in 1:21 “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I
return. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the
name of the Lord.” That is truth, and a testimony of what a godly
perspective of the world should look like. It gives me so much joy
to know that everything in this world is temporary; just distractions
with which I no longer have to waste my time. “'The Lord is my
portion,' says my soul, therefore I will trust in Him.” I have
chosen this verse (Lam 3:24) to memorize to remind me that my
inheritance is in the Lord. I hope this will also remind me to shed
any weights that I may acquire from time to time.
I Timothy 6:7
I Timothy 6:7 reads “for we have
brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it
either.” Ecclesiastes 5:15 puts it another way saying as we came
naked from the womb, so we will also return, despite any fruit from
our labor, we are leaving with nothing. All work, possessions,
belongings are counted worthless and left behind when I go to be with
God. It’s very clear to me that I still don’t live this concept
out in my life because I am still working on being content with what
I have in this life, but verse 7 reminds me that none of it really
matters in the end. Contentment should not even be an issue if I
truly life out the fact that I’m leaving with nothing. In the end,
it’s just me in front of God.
Romans 1:22-23 is a verse that will
always give me chills, it’s a place I want to more regularly travel
to when I am convicted of sin. It reads, “Professing to be wise,
they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God
for an image in the form of corruptible man.” Every time I find
myself coveting, or grasping tightly to the fleeting things of this
world I am saying to God, “I would like to serve Your creations
rather than You,” I would like to focus on my desires, my
interests, my belongings, my wants rather than the greatest gift you
have given me and the truth that you will always provide me with what
I need. I exchange the truth for a lie. Focusing on the tangible of
this world really does cloud my time with the Lord. I find that I
spend more time worrying about the things of this world rather than
devoting my thoughts to all the ways God has provided for me in this
world. I take it so lightly that I care about clothes, and my
work,--believing the lie that it’s okay to ‘appreciate’ the
gift, talents, and things God has given when really I have feelings
above gratitude. Romans really puts I Timothy into perspective for
me. I want to meditate of Romans 1 and how severe and foolish it
really is to be so consumed with other things when my time is so
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